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Secom + Sotax

Cross-platform application development for Sotax DT50™.


UI/UX · Python



Project overview

Secom is an industry renowned leader in the areas of device regulation, embedded software and interfaces and has been working hand in hand with Sotax for over 20 years.

During my intership at Secom I was tasked with conceptualizing and developing a cross-platform application to evaluate measured values of pharmaceutical tablet disintegration devices such as Sotax DT50™.

Customizable views and analysis

The app visualizes generated data as a graph which can be viewed and manipulated in various ways, such as changing the color or plot type. It also features an analysis option that allow users to see whether the disintegration time data falls within certain thresholds.

Built for maximum compatibility

Built using Kivy, a NUI library for Python, the app provides seamless functionality across all platforms and devices. A custom file explorer allows for easy loading of spreadsheets generated by Sotax DT50™.